Far Cry 6: How Yara's Size Compares To Far Cry 5's Map A wide variety of biomes can be found as well, giving this fictitious island a unique and dynamic feel. There are interesting locations to visit and hidden collectibles to discover across these seemingly picturesque enviroments. The map for Yara, the island country Far Cry 6 takes place on, is massive and dense. These areas were calculated by user JamesEVI on Reddit, which makes the comparison of map sizes a bit easier. In comparison, Far Cry 4's map of Kyrat had roughly 9.3 square miles of land to explore. Related: All Far Cry 6 Animal Companions, Ranked Worst To Best This game boasted about 10.8 square miles of playable area, which was impressive when the game was first released. With a large map filled with gorgeous scenery, Far Cry 5 even has hidden locations for players to find.
Additionally, much of the map is surrounded by an open ocean, which wasn't a factor for Far Cry 5, which takes place in fictional Hope County, Montana. The answer isn't immediately obvious due to the awkward borders of the map, meant to realistically resemble an island nation. But how much bigger is Far Cry 6's map compared to the one in Far Cry 5? Far Cry 6 takes place in Yara, and its open-world is reportedly bigger than its predecessor's. Far Cry 6 was released after much anticipation from fans, with map size being one of the biggest questions on people's minds.